Dog's Diet

Freeze Dried Dog Treats

Different dog treats are available in the market. Selecting the right kind for your dog might be challenging with so many varieties available. One excellent choice that has grown in favor lately is freeze dried dog treats. However, what exactly are freeze dried sweets, and are they edible?

Continue reading to find out why freeze-dried dog treats are a fantastic method to provide your dog with the nutrients they need and determine whether they’re a good fit.

Lee&Pol freeze-dries various fruits and vegetables and adds dried pollock with salt and bones removed to offer the best nutritious treats for your dog.

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What is Freeze Dried Dog Treats?

Let’s begin by clarifying what freeze dried dog treats are.

Dog treats that have been freeze dried look like kibble in every way, but they undergo very little processing. Low temperatures cause the ingredients to freeze, preserving their nutrition and turning them into ice. Then, 99% of the moisture is eliminated by the sublimation process. To keep them from spoiling, they must be placed in an airtight container as the last step.

Thanks to the straightforward method for producing raw, freeze dried dog food and treats, anything can be easily freeze dried. To preserve the natural nutrients in these items, you can freeze dry anything from conventional meat to fruits and vegetables.

It gives dog parents who want to feed their pets a vegan or vegetarian diet a whole new range of possibilities.

What Is the Difference Between Freeze Dried and Dehydrated Dog Treats?

The processing technique is the main distinction between dog treats that are dehydrated and freeze-dried. Through sublimation, freeze-drying eliminates moisture while maintaining the treat’s nutrition and structure. Heat eliminates moisture during dehydration, which can cause some nutritional loss and textural changes.

While dehydrated dog treats can be denser and chewier, freeze dried treats are often lighter and more porous. When compared to dehydration, freeze drying usually preserves more of the nutrients.

Lee&Pol freeze-dries vegetables and fruits to preserve their nutrients and also adds nutrient-rich dried pollock to offer a healthy treat for your dog!

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Freeze Dried Dog Treats Pros and Cons


  • Long Shelf Life: Freeze dried dog treats have an extended shelf life compared to other treat varieties.
  • Nutrient Retention: The components’ nutritious value is maintained during freeze drying, giving dogs the most advantages.
  • Natural Ingredients: Products are frequently created with premium natural ingredients free of additives or preservatives.
  • Convenient: They are perfect for traveling or outdoor activities with your dog because they are lightweight and easy to carry.
  • Taste and Palatability: Because freeze dried treats have such a strong flavor, dogs usually find them highly appetizing and appealing.
  • Easy to Portion: Dividing these treats into smaller portions for portion control or training is simple.
  • Versatile: These treats can be rehydrated with water to give them a softer texture as necessary, meeting various dietary needs or preferences.


  • Cost: Because freeze dried treats for dogs require specific processing, they are usually more expensive than other dog treat varieties.
  • Texture: Not all dogs will benefit from the dry, crunchy texture, particularly senior dogs with weaker teeth or those with dental problems.
  • Processing Time: The length of time required for the freeze drying process may have an impact on the treats’ availability.

Are Freeze Dried Dog Treats Healthy?

For dogs, freeze dried dog food is a nutritious treat alternative. This is because the nutrients haven’t been cooked. After all, they are raw.

They don’t require the use of dangerous artificial preservatives thanks to the freeze drying technique.

Some freeze dried treats have a texture that helps with gum health and tartar buildup reduction, aiding dental hygiene. In addition to preventing systemic disorders that may shorten your dog’s life, maintaining your dog’s dental health is strongly related to overall health.

Are Freeze Dried Dog Treats Healthier Than Raw Treats?

Because the freeze drying method removes moisture without excessive heat, freeze dried dog treats retain more nutrients than raw treats, so they are frequently seen as healthier. The original flavors of the products, as well as vitamins and minerals, are preserved with this technique.

In addition, compared to fresh treats, freeze dried treats have a longer shelf life and a lower chance of bacterial contamination. Because they don’t need to be refrigerated, they are also handier for pet owners.

Best Freeze Dried Dog Treats

You can give your dog tasty, wholesome treats by freezing them. Several excellent choices are:

  • Freeze Dried Apples: These crunchy treats are a great healthy substitute for sugar because they are high in fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants. They can assist in maintaining healthy digestion and a robust immune system.
  • Freeze Dried Strawberries: An excellent source of nutrients, strawberries are high in manganese, potassium, and vitamin C. Dogs love them because of their chewy texture and inherent sweetness.
  • Freeze Dried Pineapples: These tropical-inspired treats contain vitamins, minerals, and bromelain, a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins. Their inbuilt enzymes have anti-inflammatory properties.

Lee&Pol offers a various freeze dried dog treats, including not only the above but also fruits like mangoes, bananas, cherries, blueberries, and ripe persimmons, as well as vegetables like carrots, beets, tomatoes, and kabocha squash!

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How to Make Freeze Dried Dog Treats?

Sublimation, or the direct transition of water from a solid to a gas state, is the method of dehydration used in freeze-drying fresh food. Dog training treats made from freeze-dried food have nearly all the liquid removed, making them incredibly shelf stable.

Foods that have been freeze-dried keep for months without refrigeration! Since no water is in the food, no chemicals or preservatives are required.

How Are Freeze Dried Dog Treats Made?

Freeze drying, sometimes referred to as lyophilization, is a two-step procedure. The raw material is rapidly frozen in the first stage at temperatures as low as -40 to -70°C.

The water is extracted from the material by slowly evaporating at low pressure and temperature after frozen. We refer to this stage as sublimation. Most of the water is eliminated during this procedure, leaving the remaining raw material dormant and protected.

This procedure is unique because it prolongs the shelf life of the food while retaining its nutritional value. The integrity of the raw material is preserved by the relatively quick elimination of moisture (as compared to other drying procedures).

Additionally, moisture removal causes the natural microorganisms that would typically break down the substance over time to become inactive and incapable of doing so.

Are Freeze Dried Dog Treats Safe?

Freeze dried dog treats are safe for dogs. By eliminating moisture, the freeze drying technique lowers the possibility of contamination by preventing the growth of mold, bacteria, and other pathogens. The nutritional value of the ingredients is also preserved during this procedure, adding to the treats’ safety and nutritional value.

But it’s crucial to pick premium goods from reliable manufacturers that employ all-natural, safe components free of preservatives and additives.

Is Freeze Dried Dog Food Safer Than Raw?

Since most bacteria and parasites found in raw meat are eliminated during freeze drying, freeze dried dog food is considered safer than raw food. For pet owners worried about handling raw meat, this makes it a safer option.

Furthermore, because freeze dried dog food is lighter and requires no refrigeration, it is more convenient to store and transport.

How Do I Store My Freeze Dried Dog Treats?

Freeze dried dog treats should be stored in an airtight box to avoid moisture absorption and preserve freshness. Away from heat, moisture, and direct sunlight—all of which may harm the treats and shorten their shelf life—store the container in a cool, dry location.

Since many freeze dried treats are packaged in resealable bags to maintain freshness, seal the bag firmly after each use. The treats may soften and spoil if they are exposed to moisture. The treats will stay crisp, healthy, and safe for your dog to eat if they are stored properly.

Do Freeze Dried Dog Treats Go Bad?

Yes, freeze dried dog treats can go bad if not stored properly.

While they have a long shelf life, moisture, air, and heat exposure can cause them to spoil.

Always keep them in a cool, dry place in an airtight container to keep their quality and check for any signs of spoilage before feeding.


Treating and training your dog using freeze dried treats is easy, healthy, and durable. The gentle freeze drying process preserves the natural flavors, textures, and nutrients of premium products like meat, fruits, and vegetables.

Most dogs find these treats extremely tasty, nutritious, and safe because of their crisp texture, strong flavor, and absence of artificial ingredients. Although freeze dried treats are more expensive than other options, their longer shelf life and storage convenience make them excellent for giving your dog healthy, entertaining snacks.


Freezing raw materials and using a vacuum to evaporate the ice is how freeze-dried dog food is created. This keeps the food’s flavor, texture, and nutritional value intact. It keeps most of the advantages of fresh or frozen dog food while providing a useful, long-lasting substitute.

Yes. Dogs can safely eat freeze-dried treats. They are free of artificial preservatives and preserve most of the nutritious content of the original ingredients. High-quality meats, fruits, and vegetables are frequently used to make these treats, which provide vital vitamins and minerals. They must, however, be consumed in moderation as a component of a healthy diet.

To freeze dry meat for dogs, slice the meat into thin pieces and place them on a tray in a single layer. Freeze the meat at a very low temperature. Once frozen, place the trays in a freeze dryer, which will remove the moisture through sublimation. Store the dried meat in an airtight storage box.

No, freeze-dried liver treats are not bad for dogs when given in moderation. They are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A and B, iron, and protein. However, excessive consumption can lead to hypervitaminosis A due to the high vitamin A content. Always consult your vet about appropriate serving sizes.

The number of freeze dried treats you should feed your dog depends on their size, dietary needs, and overall health. Generally, treats should make up no more than 10% of the dog’s daily caloric intake. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the suitable amount based on your dog’s requirements.

Alan Jo
Pet Food Columnist
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