Lee&Pol’s Blog

Discover essential insights about dog’s health, nutrition, and ingredients on Lee&Pol‘s Blog.

Dog Vomiting

It’s really scary for parents when they see their dog throwing up. It’s a sign …

Why is my Dog Not Eating

Pet owners get overly concerned about their dogs not eating. While it might not be …

Diabetes in Dogs

Dog diabetes is a severe health problem. This disease occurs because the sugar level in …

Dog Diarrhea

Dog diarrhea is one of the most severe and frequent digestive issues dogs experience with …

Senior Dog Treats

Dogs’ dietary requirements and tastes start to change as they approach their senior years. Once …

Food Allergies in Dogs

Most pet owners confuse food allergies with food sensitivities, and it’s quite common. Dogs are …

What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?

One of the most common questions is “Can dogs eat vegetables?” That is a pretty …

Dog Indigestion

You and your pet are playing, and then your bubbly dog may feel drained or …

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

Several fruits can be an ideal and delicious enhancement to your dog’s food. Not every …

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